Hi. As a journalist of 30 years' experience in the UK, I can sympathise with much of your article. But I would ask you to remember this - the world NEEDS journalists desperately. Without them, nobody is ever held to account for the lies they tell, the frauds they are involved in, the violence they inflict. Journalists also inform, educate and entertain. They are teachers for adults, how else are we going to learn things after our school days? But newspapers are dead. Anything printed on paper is old news, the world knows that now - only digital can provide up to the minute coverage, and newspaper companies still haven't worked out how to make digital pay. So staff lose out as the media moguls look after their bottom line. But you can be a journalist here on Medium. You can be a journalist on your own blog. You can be a freelance. YOU can set the rules. You don't have to write hard news - you can write features, in-depth interviews - it is all just as important. Don't let a failing industry dampen any enthusiasm you retain for telling the truth to the world. And good luck for the future...