I suppose your articles always trend highly because they are controversial. Sadly, they are riddled with inaccuracies. Listen, I'm the first one to attack Boris the clown Johnson, but you've got to stop this narrative in all your articles about the 'average Brit' being stupid and just like him. A small percentage of people actually voted for Johnson, and for Brexit - remember to take into account the numbers who never vote. Our first-past-the-post system puts these people in power. The system sucks. I get that you hate Britain - but the kind of Brits you dislike (and I share your distaste for them) are in the minority. Whereas, remember, 70 million Americans actually voted for Trump, and the Republicans are still trying to sell the lie about fraud. Messed up. In fact most countries are messed up. But next time, please don't tar all Brits with the same brush. A lot of us are good people and are trying to change the world for the better, y'know...