You miss the point entirely about everything Greta has campaigned about. She is not expected to run the world. She’s only just turned adult. She is not expected to have all the solutions. But she’s a damn sight more knowledgeable than most people. Most importantly, Greta has put the climate crisis on the global political agenda. She has woken up large parts of the world and driven an international movement for change. At her tender age, she has already taken far more meaningful action than 99 % of us will ever do. And so she has laid the foundations for a wider debate. COP26 in November is where that debate will have to translate into action which actually makes a difference to saving life on earth. She has ignited the passions of millions of non-politicians too, who are already making positive changes. She could retire now and already go down in history as one of the major influencers in the waking up of the world to the chaos that awaits us if we don’t take immediate action. Don’t put all the pressure on her, that’s incredibly misguided.